

  • Fees and taxes with robo-advisors

    I recently asked my friend “Why do you invest using robo-advisors?”

    “Because it’s 2018.”

    Beep. Wrong answer.

    Fluff phrases like that could get you elected but you ought to have stronger reasons than that when it comes to your own money.

    Robo-advisors are definitely the rage right now in Canada. Based on stats from late 2017, nearly 5% of AUM...

  • CDIC : Insurance for your Canadian Accounts

    CDIC or the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation is a federal Crown corporation that insures your accounts in a financial institution as long as it is a CDIC member. From 17 billion CAD since its creation in 1967, it has gone on to protect 700 billion today.

    The CDIC is funded purely by premiums from CDIC members and doesn’t get a...

  • Exchanging CAD to USD the smart way

    So you want to exchange some Canadian dollars to American but get burnt with the forex rate your bank charges you.

    Norbert’s Gambit is a cheap technique to convert Canadian dollars to US dollars and vice versa. You can use this technique to buy US listed stocks or...


  • One Time Passcodes & Entropy

    You’re logging into your bank account and after you enter your password, you’re prompted to enter a code that you just received on your phone.

    This Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) uses a second factor like your phone to further verify your identity while you log in.

    But, have you paid much attention to what this phone code is? Introducing one...